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People Come and People Go, But Herpies is Forever
About Me

You may think you know me....

Well if you did not figure it out from my home page, my name is Curtis, I'm 17 and I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I have lived in Salt Lake my entire life...Yup it's true, and I am not even a Mormon! I like to golf, listen to Blink-182. When trapped in school, I am a member of D.E.C.A.(busness class), Salt Lake Peer Court, and once the year starts up on the 28th of August, I will join the German Club and the School newspaper just to pad my college resume. After H.S. I plan to go to the U of U and get my M.B.A., make millions of dollars, and buy the U.S.A. when they are not watching.

hey look, it is the best band ever

Hey look it is Blink-182, Did I menton that I like them? Really I only put this because the damn thing wanted me to put in a picture of something, so I chose this from my other web site that I am working on about Blink at Yahoo. Give me some time on that one kiddies, it will soon kick ass.


Hey look, it is my car (well not really, mine is red) but if you ever see a refrence to my car, you will be able to see what I am talking about. It is an 1991 Mercury Tracer, and it was a gift from my father (thanks Dad) in exchange for a truck that I got for Christmas (thanks Grandpa)


So you want to know what I like? well here you go.


American Pie 2
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Mall Rats
The Matrix
(more to come as they come to me)


The Dictionary
The Grapes of Wrath
To Kill a Mocking Bird
more to come as they come to me)



Cheshire Cat
Dude Ranch
Enema of the State
Mark, Tom, and Travis Show


Concpircy of One
Ixnay the Hombre

Limp Bizkit

Choloate Starfish and the Hot dog Flavored water
Significant other

The Beatles

To damn many to type out, going for that old school music, gots ta know your roots.

Random Thoughts:

did you know that the average person will spent 6-8 months of their lives in the bathroom?